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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Zambrano is Nuts!

There are so many things wrong with the Chicago Cubs organization.  Their biggest superstar is their ballpark.  They are afraid of "billy goats".  They are stuck in a myriad of losing. 

But the largest problem for the "Lovable Losers", and I mean large as measured by his belt size, is Carlos Zambrano.

The man has lost it on the hill and lost it many years ago in his brain, and it all culminated yesterday on the South Side when the White Sox destroyed the Cubs 6-0. 

Zambrano went nutso on his teammates after getting destroyed by the White Sox mediocre offense for 4 runs on hard hit balls, including a home run by once struggling White Sox outfielder Carlos Quentin. 

Rather taking the sensible approach, which would've been to speak with the pitching coach about any mechanics that may have gone foul or going over the scouting report one more time, Zambrano went OFF in the dugout on his teammates, notably, long-time Cub Derek Lee. 


Watching Carlos Zambrano might be more entertaining than watching Jersey Shore, as he is train wreck waiting to happen with every step he takes.  (I guess that makes the Chicago Cubs MTV). 

But why even suspend the guy?  Why not just admit you made a $90 million mistake and part ways for good?  The guy can't win games.  The guy doesn't even have fortitude to attempt to keep your team in ball games and give them a chance to come back.

So let him go. 

Here's some more things I don't understand.  Why do people think he's such a competitor?  Really?  Take a look at the below quote from ESPN.com from Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen:
"That happens when teams aren't playing well.  It's not the first time, and it won't be the last time to happen.  I know in a couple of days they'll be fine. Carlos will be out there, and Derrek Lee will be playing behind him. Carlos likes to compete, likes to do well. That's part of the game. That's the way he is. He's not going to change that. He has to talk to his teammates. He'll be all right."

I'm sorry Ozzie, but he's not going to change that? 

He's not going to change the fact that he looks like an obese 4 year old that needs another ice cream cone yelling and screaming at ever well-respected person in his path? 

He's a competitor Ozzie?  Really?  Competitors want to win, and that is obvious by his on-field antics and crazed screaming at everyone but himself. 

But if he wants to win so bad, then why is he having dinner that night with you, the manager of the opponent, the night after your team just destroyed him? 

I'm sorry, but I'd be eating dinner with my team.  Maybe my manager.  Lou seems like a good guy to eat BBQ ribs and wash down a nice glass of Pinot Grigio with. 

I'll end by saying the Cubs have to let Zambrano go.  No team can win with a guy that plays every 5 days causing so many problems and being so unstable.  Give him back his Blue Baby Bears jersey and send him packing.

And a word of advice to all other General Managers.  A 91 mph fastball isn't worth the high probability that the guy might eat your first baseman's head off.  (or maybe a utility infielder, say, Aaron Miles). 

1 comment:

  1. Check out the link on Guillen's dinner with Z-Man.... I wonder who ate more?


